I. S. ASSOCIATES offers the best professional services with full dedication, promptness, integrity, sincerity and devotion.
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About Us
I. S. ASSOCIATES offers the best professional services with full dedication, promptness, integrity, sincerity and devotion.
We have established professional credibility, clean image and untainted reputation with high moral standards, code of conduct, ethics and working principles.
Our experience in valuation since the last 15 years has led to a very impartial, accurate, precise and expert valuation.
Who are we?
Our company has carried out innumerable valuations. We are equipped with a continuously updated data bank. Our experience in valuation since the last 15 years has led to a very impartial, accurate, precise and expert valuation.
We have Bureau Of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power (India) certified Energy Auditors in ourteam to conduct energy audit.
Our Principles
- We adopt highest standards of Professional Integrity, Honesty and we are trust worthy in all relationships
- We have strong commitment to the code of practice, ethics and principles
- We are co-operative & constructive in our approach
- Our motto of working: "Prompt and Dedicated Services
- We believe in meticulous working and approach and take no short cuts. Hence our assignments, responsibilities and work is more reliable
- We adopt latest upcoming techniques for constant work improvement
- We work optimally for customer’s satisfaction
- We offer a complete, personalized professional services and advice round the clock
- We make all efforts to give the best professional services
- Once we state something we are ready to face any cross questioning, internal and external queries
- We offer impartial, unprejudiced, free and fair second opinions
- We believe in the constant up gradation of:
- We believe in constant enrichment of knowledge and expertise
- We are committed to accomplishing all tasks in the most scientific and superior manner
- We believe in speed, accuracy and cost effectiveness
- We believe in continued professional development programmers